Jaguar : Super Komputer Tercepat di Dunia
XT5 superkomputer dari Cray Inc atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Jaguar, dinyatakan sebagai Super Komputer Tercepat di Dunia pada tahun ini dalam TOP500 List Super Komputer.
Lifestyles Article, Internet Article, IT News, Programming, Tips, Gadget
XT5 superkomputer dari Cray Inc atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Jaguar, dinyatakan sebagai Super Komputer Tercepat di Dunia pada tahun ini dalam TOP500 List Super Komputer.
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Consumers of electrical devices should know about bluetooth headphones found to be with specific features like lightweight, flexible and resilient etc . The sound qualtiy of bluetooth headphones found normal focussing more on the bass according to the viewers reactions about bluetooth headphones. Consumers can use bluetooth headphones with several audio sources having minijack headphone ouptut. Lots of bluetooth headphones gives compatibility with different kinds of mobile phones, mp3 players, and computers which is supporting bluetooth connectivity, comfortability, wrap around design etc.
The aid of standard usb
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gadget
Search engine optimization is technique that helps in advertising your business online to get customers. With the Business going online the world is rapidly changing with some latest and new advance techniques that is making the businesses surge. A business can adopt many ways that helps it to get popularity. Morgan IDS is one such way that helps in making online presence for your. Morgan IDS has become a trend and many businessmen follow it to get more return from their investment. USA is one of the most preferred destinations for outsourcing services. It has become the most popular destination for outsourcing services among the others globally. One
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 1:40 PM 2 comments
Labels: IT News
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 2:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: IT News
Although there are many things that can affect the performance of your computer, there are a few simply things you can do each month to help keep your computer running at maximum performance. This article will focus on two problems that impact the performance of your computer and will then explain what you can do about it.
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 6:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tips
The Content management system is a web application that is intended to make content writing and delivery easier. In recent times, open-source Content Management Systems have been seen as an increasingly mainstream part of the market. It enables the users to build and deploy content easier, faster and more effectively. This in turn helps the web masters to maintain their websites rich in strong content by efficiently streamlining the content in them.
The most significant
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 6:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: IT News
Your system can be corrupted due to harmful Malware like virus, worms or Trojan horse . The virus downloads itself when you are working on your system without your permission and when you become aware this it is quite late as it might have infected your crucial files, documents, programs etc. thus resulting a huge loss to your organization. It automatically corrupts the information that may be essential for your business. Few general infections are virus, worms or Trojan horse, adware etc. which can possibly spoil your operating system also. While
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 5:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tips
1Who doesn’t want to steer traffic to their web sites regularly? But this can only be done by performing various SEO techniques that is helpful in driving potential traffic to your site or blogs. This process is known as search engine optimisation and it can be done either by you or by hiring an expert.
But it is always advised to get your website optimised through an expert only because this process involves high technical skills and apart from this it is very time consuming too. But the process of hiring an expert too is not that straight, though it saves your time but it involves a lot of money.
Then what?
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 5:59 AM 0 comments
Trojan horse is an infection that severely affects your computer. It causes a great damage to your computer by affecting the files, documents and other important programs which may be very helpful and important for your organization. Usually the comuter users never recognize that their system is getting infected by this type of Malware and it spreads quickly and corrupts your entire system. If you don’t eliminate Trojan infections from your computer quickly, you may finally be losing your essential data thus losing most of your business. trojan is a deadly virus that causes great financial losses to your business. Hence
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 5:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tips
Each of us has its own interest or has a hobby. Some love all kinds of books, music, and movies while others are into sports and traveling. There are also people who love to grow flowers and loves pets. These things help us to relax and forget our everyday problems and troubles and these things are common to people. But not everyone has a hobby that makes
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 5:54 AM 1 comments
Labels: IT News
Most of us go through a similar experience, when we buy a brand new Personal Computer
What is a window registry cleaner?
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 5:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Programming
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 4:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: IT News
This is very unique feature that had been implemented in computer mouse. 18-Button in a mouse. WarMouse announced the release of the OOMouse at Orvieto, Italy, November 6, 2009, the first multi-button application mouse designed for a wide variety of software applications, including Adobe Photoshop, Autodesk AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, and With a revolutionary and patented design featuring 18 buttons, an analog joystick, and support for as many as 52 key commands, the OOMouse is intended to provide a faster and more efficient user interface for most complex software applications than the conventional icons, pull-down menus, and hotkeys presently permit.
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 4:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: IT News
The beginning stages of a web-based form are very simple: you read the HTML guide, learn about select menus, options, form labels, radio inputs and all the myriad ways you can inveigle information from your visitors. You also learn about the action
and method
attributes. Great. So all of this HTML you’ve learned is wonderful – but won’t actually do anything. You need to provide some kind of back-end rules to actually make any use of this information.
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 4:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: Programming
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: Lifestyles
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gadget
Cara menyedot Bandwidth
Setelah joging kerumah mbah google akhirnya saya dapat mengumpulkan beberapa referensi yang sy rangkum dalam sebuah konsep yaitu Menyedot Bandwidth baik pada jaringan Wifi maupun Warnet, terlebih lagi bagi penguna Broadband / VSAT....
Posted by Dwi Budi Susanto at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tips
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